Keep dreaming!
Dreaming is too easy for a person as it costs zero. We all are leaving in the boundary of dreams. It keeps us alive and help us in proceeding further. There is no limit in dreaming until it's on our head.But the real world is so tough to allege. Dreams are just the boat in the sea of life. Reality is the paddle that we continue to move forward. Some dreams are never meant to be happened unless we try for it. I also have some dreams and some came to realty some never came and some are on the way to be cherished. When it's my dream,I stopped listening to the people if and only if the dream is that much true to me.
Many obstacles will be in way of life when we marched forward.These impediments can not eradicate our progress if we stay true and free. We are responsible for our deeds not others. If we stop accusing others for our mistake,we will progress for sure. Life was not ever easy for me and won't be for you too.
Paulo Cohelo introduced dream to become reality in his The Alchemist novel with allegory shaded storytelling. The fact depends on how much close we are towards our dream. Defining the contour is relevant. May people laugh on ours but if it came true then they all will eat their words! The day dreaming persons are injurious to life. Because they do not proceed and implicitly stop you to go ahead. Having negativity doesn't generate solutions. The captivity of negativity is so awkward. Being positive makes it easy to accept the reality and march towards to dream.
Keep dreaming!
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