Friends and Family

Family members are gift from Allah Almighty but friends are our pick. It's up to us whom do we choose or not. A lesson from the "Marry and Max" movie finishing quote taught me. Facebook applies this same algorithm also.
People are easily forgettable,erasable and replaceable. But memory never dies. That's why I always try to make memories.
I am always grateful to my friends and well wishers for gifting me good memories from the past, till now and I hope they will in future. Thanks for stay in good times as well as in bad times. I thank every of them for supporting, poking, pestering, hurting, disappointing, correcting, quarreling, praising, leaving, helping, financing, defending, rebuking, wishing, loving, hating, remembering and teaching me. These things are priceless to a worthless person like me. I am not that worthy I thought.
I am indebted towards them till death. I couldn't repay as I don't know how to except wishing well.
Wish me good luck in life ahead.


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