"You don't need friends to walk on roads as the bear arrived and they left you alone.You need real persons to keep on touch as they cried when you fall in danger all alone."
The all things came clearly to me as a bolt from the blue after all these years. How a Jackass I was!!
I have a mirror and I saw my face on that 3 years ago.After these years I found it covered with dust layer.I cleanned the layer and now I see a different face.But the eyes are all the same.The eye never lies. Hates gonna Hate,Lovers gonna Love.You Boon me or Bane me it is what it is.
"Though the end is bitter but you have to do it otherwise.
No more fair weather friends no more show-up.
Step a side or Step Aside.The Game is on."
The all things came clearly to me as a bolt from the blue after all these years. How a Jackass I was!!
I have a mirror and I saw my face on that 3 years ago.After these years I found it covered with dust layer.I cleanned the layer and now I see a different face.But the eyes are all the same.The eye never lies. Hates gonna Hate,Lovers gonna Love.You Boon me or Bane me it is what it is.
"Though the end is bitter but you have to do it otherwise.
No more fair weather friends no more show-up.
Step a side or Step Aside.The Game is on."
Fire-works starts with a huge enlightenment,dazzling continuously.When it is time,it ended up with darkness.Complete darkness.
''Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses And all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty Together again.''
Harder the reach,harder the fall.People joy on both:When star rises and when it falls.Enjoy you people.It's your time.
''Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses And all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty Dumpty Together again.''
Harder the reach,harder the fall.People joy on both:When star rises and when it falls.Enjoy you people.It's your time.
I seek pardon to all my nearest and dearest if I cause any harm intentionally or not.
To err is human.We made mistakes,I make odds.
But how do I repent!!How do I pay my debts that I owe.How can I rebuild the hut that I burnt with my own hands.Willingly or unintentionally none concerns on that.
But I can seek mercy,we can seek pardon.It is high time.I hope we would be forgiven.
It is time I rehab myself.May be Almighty Allah make me have it.#InshaAllah
To err is human.We made mistakes,I make odds.
But how do I repent!!How do I pay my debts that I owe.How can I rebuild the hut that I burnt with my own hands.Willingly or unintentionally none concerns on that.
But I can seek mercy,we can seek pardon.It is high time.I hope we would be forgiven.
It is time I rehab myself.May be Almighty Allah make me have it.#InshaAllah
When there is scope of having dream,many found.When It is time of helping other to make dream,alas!!!!there is none found.
A lots of time I make dream for people.I help people to make dream.Many succed,many lose heart.But nowadays my dreams are gone.Now the creator is searching for creation.I forget to dream.Dreams are waving but I lost the limit of catch those.
I am a Bad Boy now.
A lots of time I make dream for people.I help people to make dream.Many succed,many lose heart.But nowadays my dreams are gone.Now the creator is searching for creation.I forget to dream.Dreams are waving but I lost the limit of catch those.
I am a Bad Boy now.
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