Do you know the difference?

There is no reason to be fortunate as by born we all are. Just we have to find out how. If you wanna skip my long writing, you better be. Otherwise you will regret in the end and go for Goggling for sure. 
I am not a man from English literature and I never read those stories in my life time through my academic career. But I am fortunate enough that my mother did. And she told me about these four. 
1) “The incidental expenses were too heavy.”- Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger
She is the first thing that I was so amused to know. That story was awesome to hear in short.
2) "Follow my example," she said as we shook hand, "and never eat more than one thing for luncheon." - The Luncheon
William Somerset Maugham was extraordinarily touched my heart with great humor laid under story.
3) The love story of Husband Jim and wife Della considering their Christmas gifts. That story reflects the value of love can’t be measured with so-called mean examples or talking. They were the wisest at the end of their love story though they unwisely sacrificed.
4) The final and the most amazing story that still rehearse me is the three questions of the king introduced by Leo Tolstoy.
Napoleon Bonaparte was right about one thing. “Give me an educated mother. I’ll present you an educated nation.”
I am proud of my mother and also of my father as he marry her. Ha Ha Ha.
You should not be jealous of my mother. You rather envy her as this is the appropriate option you better choose.
Do you know the difference?
I bet you don't 


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