
Life is not a bed of rose and we all knew that.There are always games in our life in all manner.We win some and we lose some.In 2015 AB de Villiers made fastest 50(16) and fastest 100(31) in the same game,but he was caught out at 149(44) just one run short from the fastest 150 in ODI history on the same day.
If it's me who lit the fire,then definitely it has to be me who will clean up the ashes.If you seek for motivations and inspirations, follow the athletes and fighters. "I make no excuses. This is what it is. I came up short. I took a chance, it didn't pay off, I'll be back." - Conor McGregor
Mashallah,I achieve many as well as I have to lose some too. So focusing on what I get instead of what I lose. Because always there is next. Life is enormous,it doesn’t end in that short manner. It’s hard work that pays the bill.
I am happy with what I am gifted by Almighty Allah and I will be happy for next time inshaAllah. I know it’s hard to accept adversity, but I am not the only one who is dealing with it. May be many more are in worse condition than me.So I believe that I am always the lucky person in the plant as I have many reasons to say so.
Life is always about depriving us from something we were getting and then left us live for achieving that moment. We know what we achieve from our experiences and nobody can take it away from us. It doesn't matter what do you or the people think,it does matter what people cares you thinks about you.
I see different people and I always tried to learn from them.Life is about committing mistakes.We always learn through mistakes.In my ongoing life I always want to do different things either academic or non-academics. I tried different things for learning the basics. I played with different topics and interests. And I am still thinking alike. Many times I have been through worst situations and I thought this is gonna be the end of the line and I am done! But by the grace Almighty Allah,I have overcome those situations. Alhamdulillah.
It's not always about winning.Sometimes you have to lose to attain the value of victory.I know life is like going on and there is no place for being static. I know it seems sarcastic,but a person alike me is easily replaceable,erasable and forgettable.That's why I know my limit.
I love athletes and wrestling fighters as the inspired me in many manners. There are some names that I didn't mention.I respect my haters and lovers as they are the reason I am still going on.Though I am selfish,self-centered almost and I don't care that much about what people think but I respect people's evaluation about me.I love and care my family members as they support me always and my parents with a heavy heart. I am so emotional about my family in the normal sense! And I am very much grateful to Almighty Allah. I owe my parents and Almighty Allah for lifetime.


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