
Showing posts from November, 2018

Living thoughts

We can't define anything by our own as that definition will vary from person to person. If a person can't fit through your box, there remain only two possibilities. One, the person is smaller than your box. And the other is your box is too short for the person. Why encase ourselves with the captivity of negativity? Complexity is a term that defines the lack of simplicity. Conversely simplicity is defined as lack of complexity. How on earth can anyone define them with solo definition without involving the opposite! None. The guilt for doing mistake is OK, but the guilt for not accepting the mistake is not. There is nothing called mistakes. Those are not trying with proper care. So those still counts. Taken decisions make a person the man he wanted to be. We happy we live. We live by breathing and that can't be be so long. We live inside the person who love us. That's called living longer. Leave your meaningful footprints. 👣 Life is worthy and beautiful.