
Showing posts from August, 2018


We will never live forever with our body. But with our memory, deeds and utilization of the short time in this world, we can. First, people will like you. Then they will follow you. After that, they will dislike you and finally, they will avoid you. These are the rule followed by individuals in the world except you beg to differ with your importance and priority that will override the rule people follow. Everyone in this world is not in the same state literally, figuratively they are. We may have the same goal, even the path we choose can be similar but individuals are always identical to the proceedings. We came, see, conquer and we die. Sometimes we got lucky and sometimes we have to earn our luck. That's all! It's important, what we want, not what we earn. Money and happiness are interchangeable in some context but not always. Nowadays people buy happiness with money and also happiness brings money. It's you and me to choose which path to take towards the destinati...