
Showing posts from April, 2018

Respect Reboot

Respect can be classified on point of view that how people define respect. There are two ways to explain respect. One that you earned and another is that you deserved. There are two environments that help you to deal with respect. One is your position in society and another is your personality. Your position in the society helps you to gain the respect that you deserve. On the contrary, it's your personality that helps you to earn the respect. There are also people who seek respect and some people who are indifferent to respect whether it's about deserving or earning. If you deserve respect, then you must know that people respect your social value or the position. They didn't respect you. If anyway you lose that position you will understand. Whoever will be in that position, they will respect the person for the position again. Only your personality is the thing that helps you to earn respect. And if you earn respect by your personality you will deserve also by your posit...


It's true that you have to respect others opinion in your life. But the reality never shakes hands with the opinion. I never literally think myself the best. As to be the best you have to beat the best. And to do that you have to think figuratively yourself the best. I always tried to be better than my competitors and among the contenders. It's true that being undefeated is an achievement. But to attain the real happiness of gold you have to lose sometimes and only if that's destined. Only by losing your position you can ever measure the extent and the sake of being a champion. And I had gone through this phase and understand the value of being the winner. The worth of placing the title on your shoulder. Nor the road to the championship is never so easy nor defending the championship. Only the winner is counted in this very world. #MIKParadox

Fortunate Status

Who the sailor we are in this world, we are just players in this game. I play mine, you play yours. You are fortunate only if your parents were born fortunate.  Remember,every parent had parents! Our parents are always fortunate as they got the children. We are fortunate that we got parents. But sometimes we ourselves refused to be that lucky person. We tried to let down our parents hope and expectation towards us. We remained indifferent to our parents happiness and sadness. That's the reason we lost our fortunate status and waited for the reclamation. Now the question arises, what's the extent to infer one's been fortunate? Here the simple answer is, we all are fortunate by born. We called fortunate, those who finds how he is. Life is a short story with massive opportunities. There is always a chance to be fortunate. And the rule of thumb is to make your parents happy and that will make the Almighty happy. There is no restriction to become fortunate as well as...