
Showing posts from October, 2017

Help Humanity

Human world is so amazing that when someone cheers then someone cries on the same fact. If one win then other have to accept defeat. We cannot break the circle of surroundings. We neither think us as bird nor try to stretch our wings. Helping each other in good manner can eradicate the impediments of our life. As a learner,I always try to learn things both new and old. I try to redesign and rebuild the things. I tried to add something interesting when I got opportunity to help others. But helping people is that much tough when they are having back on the wall. Help people on that manner they want. Because if you go through your proceedings,one day they will blame you and accuse you on their failure. And your fault will be staying beside. Being interesting is the only prerequisite to develop yourself as a flying bird. You have to discover your wings. You have to find out why you are born in this very earth. And it takes the entire life to find out. So till then keep smiling on memor...